Other Family Law Services

Mother with baby girl.


We handle adoption filings in which the child has already been identified/placed including independent and step-parent adoptions. 

If you are a step-parent seeking to adopt your spouse’s minor child, or you are a family member looking to adopt a child, you want an experienced, yet compassionate attorney to help you through the process. 

Marital Agreement

Many couples look to deal with potential division of community property or spousal support in the event of divorce before they marry or during marriage.  They seek agreements regarding anticipated issues.  These agreements, called premarital agreements and post-marital agreements, are subject to precise requirements of California law.  Without an enforceable agreement in place, the property of the couple is divided as provided in California law.  Some people may prefer to alter some of the principals of California community property law to better suit their unique needs.  We have extensive experience assisting clients with these agreements to help them achieve their desired results without rancor or resentment.